Monday, June 3, 2013

From Fashion to Fitness

I have been blogging about fashion since 2007 and have attempted the fitness blog many times before and after to no avail. I am not beginning my 6th week of the very popular INSANITY workout created by new obsession and fitness guru Shaun T. I now feel strong enough and confident enough in my journey to start writing because I feel that much closer to my secret goal of wanting to be a certified personal trainer. Here on the blog I will share links to some of my favorite vegan recipes, share and review workouts that I am doing, and talk about eating clean and training mean as a vegan on a tight budget. I am firm believer that there are No excuses wen it comes to taking care of your body.  

With that being said here are my hear rate stats for the day I started the morning taking a long walk to my local vegetable stand to get ingredients to make my vegan veggie fritatta. (picture #1) walking there, shopping, and back burned a little under 250 calories for the hour - Not bad for a walk I make every other day. Picture #2 my calories burned after INSANITY cardio max Interval training (probably the hardest workout Ive had in my life!) This weeks pledge is to lose the sugar, and lose the carbs. Today I had sugar in my morning coffee and didnt eat any bread so I am feeling pretty good. 

 For recipe building I use: Myfitnesspal website and for food journaling I use the LOSEIT app on my Iphone. It has a label scanner and its awesome.

Tomorrow I will share my Insanity Fit Test results for the last 3 weeks. I decided to indulge in that tomorrow as I knew it would be too much for me today. Listening to you body is always important!

Tomorrow: That Vegetable Fritatta recipe!